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10 Easy Ways To Fix Your Funk.

Kristi Hurley

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

10 Easy Ways To Fix Your Funk.

Ok…it is time to be brutally honest with you all. How many of you woke up today just wondering what the heck is going on?

Are you exhausted and have no more to give, maybe a tad crabby, or a little negative? Are you wondering how to get yourself out of the funk you may be in? We ALL have those types of days and today we are going to talk about 10 ways that will surely fix your funk!

I have to say that I am one of those people who always tries to be positive and look at the good in everything. I wasn’t always that way, but that who is who I have become over the last 10 years and I am so grateful for this! The changes that I made in my life, have given me such a different perspective in life which has enhanced it in every way possible!!!

That is why I love sharing things that I have learned with you. I am hoping that if it can help even one person to have a better life than it is worth it to me!

However, life sometimes gets overwhelming for all of us, right? We all have moments of complete exhaustion, where we are run down and need replenished. This is when we seem to get into those “funky” moods! AND…sometimes they are extremely hard to rid of!

Have any of you ever experienced this?

Of COURSE you have! We all have! This is part of the human experience! However, it can be a very dangerous place to be if you don’t know how to conquer it AND that is what we are going to focus on today!

If you have been following along with me here at The Giggling Life, you’ll know that we have been talking about becoming aware of our lives, reflection on our thoughts, and how thoughts become things. Which you can read all about below! You can also view my live videos on these topics on my FB page, The Giggling Life With Kristi!

These subjects are all focused on the POWER of your thoughts, which is EXTREMELY important. With that being said, when you are in “the funk” you need to have tools to help you get out as fast as you can!

I remember when I just started my journey on learning of the power of positivity, gratitude, and manifestation. I was learning so much so fast, while dealing with so many old emotions from extreme grief, to fear, uncertainty, financial situations, pregnancy, you name it I was dealing with it!

During these times my ‘funk’ could last days, maybe even weeks! This was frightening to me because at the same time I was learning that ‘thoughts become things’ and you can attract exactly what you are thinking about. Which was horrible because I was thinking TERRIBLE things!

At that point, I literally could see what I had been manifesting to myself, more of the same situations that I was worried about. That is scary, when you can literally see those events unfolding before your eyes! So, I knew I had to become very serious about finding ways to fix my funk before it did any harm to my life! I am so excited to share them with you all today!

So here we go! Here are 10 Ways To Fix Your Funk!!!

Since we are all so different, there are a lot of ideas down below. I have used all of them and sometimes all in one day! Ha…seriously, whatever can help me get out of that ‘funky’ place I will do! I hope they are useful to you as they have been for me!

1. Find a quiet place that you can be ALONE!

This is VERY important! Sometimes this can be difficult! I know because I have 4 kids still living at home, and my husband works from home as well, so I am NEVER alone! Which most times I love, but sometimes we ALL need some quiet alone time!

This is important because it gives you time to sort out your thoughts, breathe, and get an idea on what is really bothering you! Sometimes, we get so caught up in life and all of the crazy things that surround us that just get overwhelmed. Just sitting in a quiet space, taking a mental ‘time out’ can really free your mind.

Take the time to acknowledge your feelings. When you realize the power behind your thoughts, it can become scary because you don’t want to attract any negatives into your life, but at the same time you also have to acknowledge what your feelings, and reflect on what is making you feel that way!

This is so IMPORTANT! You can’t continue to bury those feelings.

I did this for so many years and wondered why I couldn’t attract what I wanted in life….Then I realized because I had hidden all of those negatives thoughts within and they were blocking all of my the thoughts of positivity and what I wanted to attract to my life!

You MUST remove those barriers before you can move on! I promise, I found out the hard way!

2. Cry, be angry, or sad. Let those feelings out!

This is what we were just talking about, right? Reflecting on your emotions, figuring out what cause you to have this ‘funk’ in this first place. The sooner we deal with your emotions the sooner we can heal and get out of our own way.

Really take the time to address your feelings by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What brought these feelings on?

  2. Stress of relationships, finances, deadlines, etc.?

  3. Are you fearful of changes in your life?

  4. Are you just plain tired?

  5. Do you feel everyone else’s cup up without replenishing yours? (I do!) 😉

  6. Are you feeling overwhelmed by life? Can you break down the areas that make you feel this way?

  7. How can you help yourself in these areas to not feel this way anymore?

When I am using this tool to let my feelings out, I ALWAYS write these answers to these questions down in my journal! I feel as though writing helps us to release our emotions as well as helps us to find the answers we are looking for. It is very therapeutic in every way! It takes time and focus, which is exactly what we need when we are healing!

Make sure to take the time to do this! This tool alone helps me to feel better every single time!

3. Breathe!

I know you may laugh at this but it is true! We need to take time to focus on our breathing! Someone taught this to me a few years back and it truly changed everything for me!

When I am stressed I tend to take short, shallow breaths. I was in a reiki session and my instructor kept telling me to breathe. I did, but not to her satisfaction! Finally, she put her hand on my back and said, “you are merely surviving, not really breathing!’

This was fascinating to me. She had watched me over several sessions and came to that conclusion. From that day I learned to really focus on my breathing when I am feeling anxious, stressed, angry or sad. This has helped me tremendously!

I want you take a second and focus on your breathing. Close your eyes, take a very deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a second and exhale very slowly. Repeat this as many times as necessary. You will know when you are finished with this because you will feel your muscles in your neck, your spine, chest, shoulders, and stomach all relax.

The more you really focus on this the more your tension will slip away, letting you feel calm and re-energized! This is one of my favorite exercises to use!

4. Meditate.

This is amazing! I will be very honest with you, I have just started doing this regularly over this past year and I LOVE it! There are many forms of meditation, some longer and more in-depth and some shorter and less in-depth, guided, non-guided. etc. Whatever you feel comfortable with is what you should do!

I began my meditation exercises by sitting somewhere quiet, focusing on my breathing, and nothing else. That was a very important lesson because I literally go 100 m.p.h. every single day. When I learned to sit, be still, quiet, and focus on my breathing, my life changed!

I will admit, it was HARD for me! Really hard! I just couldn’t get my thoughts to stop….it was a very valuable lesson that I need to slow down and truly listen to ME, my body, my heart, mind, soul, and breath.

Since then I have found so many amazing guided meditations that I will share with you in a few weeks! I am excited for that!

You all will feel better after you take time to meditate, even if it is only for 10 minutes! It is very powerful and helpful in letting out thoughts and emotions to be released!

5. Exercise!

YES!!! The best time to get out there and get your body moving is when you don’t want to!!!! It is EXACTLY what our body needs to release all of those negative emotions, and endorphins of our body!

You don’t have to go run 3 miles, or anything crazy, but get outside, take a walk, jog, ride a bike. Whatever physical activity that you enjoy doing, DO IT!

Seriously, you are WORTH it! AND you will feel a thousand times better! It releases those emotions, gets our heart rate going, and gives us the energy to get through what we are going through! It is the perfect release!

Make sure to get up and get MOVING as soon as you can when you get into that ‘funky space’! I promise you’ll thank yourself later because not only will you have more energy, you will have done your body a healthy favor too!

6. Be GRATEFUL for what you ALREADY have in your life!

Talk about powerful, this has saved me more times than I could ever count! This is one of favorite tool EVER! For me it almost flips my mood instantly, depending how bad my ‘funk’ is!

When I realize I can’t shake the ‘funk’, I instantly sit down, grab one of my journals and I write down EVERYTHING that I am grateful for in my life! It can be as simple as waking up that morning, the sun, hot water, my shower, my bed, my home, children, husband, family, my car, however much money I have on that single day, etc.

WHATEVER makes your life easier, you should write down!!!!!!

Sometimes I will sit and before you know it I have over a 100 items and am still going strong. This INSTANTLY makes whatever you are going through seem better! It releases emotions, wipes out negativity and energizes you to push through!

I LOVE doing this so much that I do it every single day!!!!

I have found that it reverses your negativity so quickly and brings you more to be grateful for almost immediately! It truly is like magic! Try it! I PROMISE you will feel better instantly!!!

7. Focus on what you WANT in life!

Before you do this, you MUST FIRST focus on being grateful for what you ALREADY HAVE!!!

I promise that it WILL NOT be as powerful if you go straight to this step. You must have gratitude for where you are in your life right now to be able to move on to what you want in life! So, finish the above tool before moving on to this step!

Once you are finished with the above exercise I want you to focus on what your REALLY want in life!

  1. Do you have dreams, if so, what are they?

  2. Name some things that bring you joy?

  3. What are some things that feed your soul?

  4. During your week what do you look forward to?

  5. What truly makes you happy in life?

You can read my post from last week which will guide you to find exactly what you are looking for in your life! It gives you the roadmap to your final destination! You can read it here. A Complete Guide to Figuring Out What You Really Want in Life. Make sure to download your Road Map in the post! You’ll be grateful that you did!

By downloading your Guide, you will also gain access to my other printable library as well as discounts on courses, ebooks, etc.! I will only send 1 email a week with my new blog posts, upcoming courses, etc. We have a great community and we would love to have you!

This can really turn your ‘funk’ around quickly as well! DON’T try to figure out HOW you are going to receive these things, because that can be stressful, just focus on what you want in life and what makes you happy!

8. Read an inspirational book.

Many times, when I am in this place of ‘funk’, I will pick up any book that is inspirational! I always have many to choose from, but if you don’t you can hop online and find many free ebooks, etc.

Reading always helps sooth your mind and it feeds your soul. Some of my favorite books during this time were books about overcoming obstacles, law of attraction books, stories of those who have manifested what they want in their lives, stories of those who have overcome so much adversity and have achieved their goals!

Anything that fill your cup and lifts you up! Sometimes, that is all we need! Just to hear other stories about people just like you and I that have overcome and achieved all that they wanted to! It is so inspiring and gives us the strength and determination to go for what we want in our lives!

This is very powerful!

9. Make sure to schedule ‘downtime’ for yourself!

Yep…..I know how hard this is! I will be honest with you, I struggle with this immensely! It is hard for me to slow down. I have the blog, my courses that I’m working on, 5 kiddos, horses, cats, dogs, rabbits, chickens, soccer, guitar, choir, 4-H, planning a wedding, birthdays, you name it, I am doing it! So….this is a struggle for me!

BUT, I also know how necessary it is to stay healthy in your mind, body, and soul!

Schedule a few minutes every day or week that you just do ‘YOU’! Whatever you are passionate about, or whatever brings you joy, do it! For me, riding my horses brings me such peace. It is my comfort zone and something that soothes my soul and brings me tremendous happiness.


Who knew how important getting the proper amount of sleep is! We ALL should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep every single night! How many of you actually get that?

I know for me, it can be super challenging to get that rest in! However, when I don’t… life seems to be much crazier than it really is! Rest keeps our bodies healthy and let’s our mind become replenished so that we can start each day in the right way!

So….no matter what do your VERY best to get that rest in!!! Life will look a lot different when you do!!!

I hope that these tools will be able to help you when you need to fix your funk! I know that over the years I have implemented all of these tools into my daily schedule as often as I can, so that I don’t get into that ‘funky space’ very often. They are free, easy and do the job quickly! I can’t wait to hear how they work for you all!

I would love to hear from you, please feel free to leave a comment, and follow us on FB, Twitter, and Instagram!

You can watch my FB LIve vlog on this topic! It was posted on Friday! Hope you all enjoy it!

I am excited to start this journey with you all! By signing up to receive your FREE 10 Ways To Fix Your Funk Checklist, you’ll also receive weekly tips & inspiration, FREE downloads, discount course prices, & you’ll be gaining a whole new community of amazing people here at The Giggling Life!

I promise you’ll only get weekly updates and will NEVER be spammed! Thanks you all! XOXO!

10 Easy Ways To Fix Your Funk.

We have a lot of new things coming to you all soon and it is going to be AMAZING, it is so exciting to be able to share them all with you!!! Make sure to follow us on FB, Twitter, Instagram! You’ll be able to catch up on all of my blog posts via FB Live! I am live weekly and would love to have you all join in!

Thanks so stopping by! Much love to you all!



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