I am thrilled about this post, this process, and this project! If you all have been following me for a bit and were able to read my last post Where Have I Been & Where Am I Going From Here, then you all have a basic idea of where I am going with this post! If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to do so before you move forward! 🙂
Basically, to make a very long story short, over the last 8 months I have been on a very emotional rollercoaster. Our family has suffered two tremendous losses within this time, that has left us all in survival mode. Literally, just putting one foot in front of the other, each and every day.
Everyday consisted on checking on our children, my brother, my niece, my parents, and all of their emotions, just making sure we are all able to keep moving forward together, in the right direction.
In the process of just “surviving”, I have found that if any other obstacles arise, I am not fully equipped to handle them. Unfortunately, this happened just two weeks ago and I’ll be honest, I was frightened. I wasn’t sure where my energy was going to come from. Once I had survived that week, I realized that in order to move forward and to be able to help my family I needed to take some time to work on myself.
I knew I needed to start focusing on filling my cup, getting my health and energy back, and become the person I was several months ago! This is how Project Me/ProjectYou was formed!
What is ProjectMe/ProjectYou?
ProjectMe/ProjectYou is a program that has been designed to help you become a better version of yourself! It is here to help you start putting yourself first, to help you replenish what you have lost, and re-energize yourself!
Let’s face it…many of us are just “living” our lives or “surviving”, right? Let me take a minute to ask you a few questions….
How many of you are really following your passions in life?
Or…how many of you even know what your passions are?
Do you often feel drained, tired, or that you may have no purpose?
How many of you are happy with the way you feel on the inside or out?
Are you happy and excited every day?
Are you living a life of gratitude?
Or are you just getting by and letting life “happen” to you?
Do you know what your purpose is in life? Do you have goals? Hobbies?
What do you do each day that makes you happy and fills you up?
Are you exhausted each and every day?
Do you find yourself not only known as your child’s parent? Or your spouse’s husband or wife?
If you can relate to any of these questions at all, then I know exactly where you are in life! Because I am there now and am working myself back to being me!
This is EXACTLY why I have partnered with ProjectMe and have created ProjectYou!!!
What is ProjectMe/ProjectYou?
ProjectMe and ProjectYou make YOURSELF the focus on our new project! Did you know that the simple MOST important thing that you can do for yourself is to focus on YOURSELF!
How many of you do that? Focus on yourself daily? Do any of you think it is selfish to focus on yourself?
I sure did! I have always put others before myself, I enjoy it, that is who I am! However, how can I focus on others or help them when I can’t even help myself! Good question, right???
ProjectMe and ProjectYou is designed to help you to regain strength and clarity in all of the areas below:
Nutrition- Essentially we are what we eat, right? So we need to focus on nutrition in order to have the energy to focus on all of these areas!
Exercise– We all know how important it is to keep moving, right? This helps us to keep our bones, muscles, and organs working properly! It absolutely helps us with creating more energy to focus on the next few elements as well!
Personal- What are your personal goals…just for you? They can be work goals, fitness or weight goals, relationship goals, you name it! The personal areas are your scared area….what do YOU want to accomplish?
Mental– This is SO important! How do YOU want to feel mentally? Excited, energized, happy, grateful, strong, empowered? Do you feel like you can take on any challenge?
Why is ProjectMe & ProjectYou so important?
We have already shared so many reasons why focusing on yourself is beneficial, but let me show you even more reasons now!
Focusing on you provides:
Increased clarity on what you want out of life, relationships, work, etc.
Gives you more energy mentally and physically.
Overall health is increased.
Can lower your blood pressure.
You feel better mentally and physically.
You may see weight loss and a change in your appearance.
Enhanced relationships.
You will have more energy and clarity to be able to achieve your goals.
Keeps your emotions in check.
Helps to see the beauty in life.
Increases gratitude in your life.
You can help MORE people when you help yourself! 🙂
Helps you to become more successful at home and work.
You are able to overcome obstacles with more energy and clarity.
It helps to grow your CONFIDENCE!
You feel strong and empowered.
Most often you are able to hit deadlines and goals more easily.
You sleep better.
These are just a few proven reasons why you need to be the most important person in your life! It is time to make yourself a priority and join us with ProjectMe or ProjectYou! You DESERVE it!
Not only will YOU benefit your friends, family, and coworkers will too! I promise!
So…what is next??? if you are reading this and it all seems to be directed at you then you need to jump on in to the next step! We ALL should!
How do you start ProjectMe/ProjectYou?
You just happen to be at the right place and the right time because I am just getting started myself! I have never felt more in need of restarting myself! So…I am so glad you are here! Let’s get started together!
I am keeping everything super simple because I don’t want you focusing on a lot of extras….you are supposed to focus on YOU nothing else!!!
There are two ways to get started with this project!
You can follow the exact program that I am doing, ProjectMe, which includes my nutrition, an exercise program, and an amazing community of people that are on the exact same journey that I am on! It is a very SIMPLE and EASY program for me to follow!
Why am I doing this?
Because for me, it make sense! It keeps everything incredibly simple for me so that I don’t have to worry about my nutrition, prepping meals, doing all of those things that take so much of my time! I want to spend my time focusing on things that will fill my cup and this makes it so easy for me to do that, without screwing up my nutrition!
I also think it is important to invest in myself. Not that this is an expensive program, but just by making an investment in myself, I take it more seriously and it keeps me more accountable to myself! I know how to eat healthy, however, when my mind is not right and I am tired, I choose not to! By investing in ProjectMe, it takes all of those options out for me!
I want and need to feel good, I need more energy, and let’s face it, I wouldn’t mind losing 10-15 lbs too! 😉
I know that I AM WORTH the investment AND know it will not only benefit me, but others around me as well! So…for me it is a win-win situation!
You can check out the nutrition details here at ProjectMe.
If you are ready to get started, you can just follow the directions in the video! I am so grateful that my friend Caley introduced this to me a few months back. The timing wasn’t right then, however, it sure is now!
By joining ProjectMe (with nutrition), not only will you have my support here at The Giggling Life, you will also join the growing, supportive community that will surround & support you at all times! It is a two for one special! 🙂
If this doesn’t fit your needs right now then you can also start ProjectYou!!!
ProjectYou will be everything that ProjectMe is without the nutrition and extra support from the closed ProjectMe group. You WILL still receive all of the support from myself and our Giggling Life Community!
If you feel good about adding your own nutrition and exercise I am thrilled for you!!! Please do so!! This project is all about YOU bettering YOU and if you have your own program GREAT! ☺️
Go ahead and start implementing your nutrition plan alongside what we will be doing here! I am excited for you and can’t wait to see your progress!

What is the next step?
This is the MOST important step yet!
You have to make a COMMITMENT to yourself that this week you will start one of these 6 week Projects and see it through!!!
This is the hardest step to take…but is the most important one that you can take for yourself!!!
So….this week it is time to COMMIT to yourself and sign up for either ProjectMe or ProjectYou! That is all we are focusing on this week…committing to better ourselves!
Once we have all taken that first step of committing to ourselves that we are WORTH joining ProjectMe or ProjectYou we will move on to the next step!
Each week we will have something new to focus on….new exercises and activities that will help you become a better version of you! I will be doing FB Live videos several times a week as well as writing new posts, so make sure you like our page on FB! Also, there will be downloadable journals, cheat sheets, etc. to help all of us stay on track!
I will be documenting my journey daily and I highly recommend that you do the same! That way we can track our progress and celebrate our successes along the way!
Remember, we are all in this together….the people we have join along the more support and strength we acquire!
I know I am ready for this journey to start! My products are here and I am awaiting all of you to join in the fun! So let’s get to working on becoming better versions of ourselves! Make sure to comment below or email me once you have joined either group!
I am excited to start this journey with you all! Thank you again for your understanding, compassion, and patience throughout this year…..it is good to be back with you all! Much love to you and cheers to GETTING our LIVE’S BACK!
I’ll see you at ProjectMe/ProjectYou on the website! 🙂
Thanks so stopping by! Much love to you all!